Kor tor mor review
Kor tor mor review

kor tor mor review

The B'rel-class Bird-of-Prey is a very maneuverable starship, easily outdoing the Starfleet's Light Cruiser.

kor tor mor review

Also, the Bridge Officer spaces on a Bird-of-Prey are mostly universal, which makes them more versatile. They're vulnerable when cloaked, but their speed and maneuverability make them hard to hit. They can be used as scouts, raiders or patrol ships. Purchasing this starship will unlock a Fleet Ship Module discount when purchasing the Fleet B'rel Bird-of-Prey.īirds-of-Prey are small, fast and fill a variety of roles for the Empire. It is also available as part of the following: PC-only Klingon Defense Force Elite Starter Pack for 2,000. This ship can be purchased individually, or as part of the Cross Faction Escort Bundle for 6,000. Players can obtain this starship from the Zen Store for 3,000. As you level up, this ship gains additional hull, weapon slots, and console slots.

kor tor mor review

This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the tutorial experience. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. The Kor-class Bird-of-Prey is a Tier 6 Raider which may be flown by Klingon Defense Force characters, including Klingon Empire-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. For the NPC vessels, see Klingon Bird-of-Prey (Mob). For other playable ships, see Klingon Bird-of-Prey. This article is about the T6 playable starship.

Kor tor mor review